Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why does Hillary get the Black vote? (aka Why I love Barack)

I was checking out Bossip and saw an article on recent comments from Jesse Jackson. They were related to politics and you can check it out here.

The reader comments turned into a debate over Hillary, Barack and others. Of course, I had to comment. Since I wrote a novel and haven't written lately, figured I'd post my response. lol. Seems to be a blog post for a month...Bossip post gets me heated.

Before the novel…let’s get this straight…1. One should not support a candidate on race, gender or *gasp* electability alone. 2. NONE of the candidates have experience as president. ALL of the candidates will need “on the job training” as Hillary calls it. lol.

I support Obama because he's the best candidate IMO. Reading his book and learning about the actual man and the choices he’s made, led me to trust him and that’s not something I do easily. When given a chance to earn top dollar in some fancy law firm, he went to the Southside to help REGULAR folks like me. Could he be a puppet? Maybe. But, I don't think so. The above example (and many more that I read) lead me to believe in his moral character and what he TRULY stands for.

Truthfully, all politicians are puppets to some degree or another. They have to play to both sides and know how to straddle the fence. But, I'm not sure why we'd elect someone who has SHOWN us exactly how effective they are when needed and is nothing more than a talking piece. How exactly has Hillary shown her ability to lead the country? She’s polarizing to both Republicans and Democrats. She and Bill’s movement towards the right hasn't exactly earned points with Democrats. And now Bill is hanging with Bush Sr.?! I am not a conspiracy theorist; however, I believe she and Bill are now part of the New World Order with Bush, Cheney, Thompson and ‘em. That “no ways tired” nonsense seemed like a routine from the “baiting negroes playbook” and yet we failed to jump on that. Why?! That showed what she thinks of us. Throw a little slang at ‘em and you got ‘em. She talks the talk but is not walking the walk.

We Black folk give her credit because of Bill. No matter what you say, that's the truth! Being Bill's wife is not true experience. She didn't know he was creeping in THEIR home with another woman. How much did she really learn about his job and what it takes to do it? Recently, Bill said he opposed the war from the start. Oh really? Hillary said she supported the war because, by watching Bill, she understands these situations. Well apparently she was watching Bill from the wrong angle because, she voted for the war and continues to straddle the fence on ending it.

Don’t get me started on Bill! Black president my ass! As a teen and young adult, I was all about Bill. But that love affair has died. As I got older, I learned more about his policies and realized he is FAR from the left and was damn near a Republican when he left office. That’s why his approval ratings were so high! Some call these “centrist” politics what we need. But, Black people, we need to read between the lines and look at the policies these folks create. For example, did you know BILL CLINTON is the guy who signed off on making drug dealing a DP offense? Oh, he added dozens of crimes to the federal DP list and opened the floodgates for more of us to get death in what is known to be an unjust system.

When given the chance to address the disparity between crack and cocaine sentencing, he chose to only “recommend” change while he oversaw legislation that made those disparities law. And now, under the Bush administration, the Justice Department has changed its guidelines…but that law stands in the way! Bill pushed folks off welfare. On the surface, it may have sounded good. But what has changed?! I don’t see it, where’s the training and development he promised? Where are the economic gains and independence for our community?

It doesn’t take much to go to Wikipedia or wherever you research to see the policies and laws these people support. Read up on NAFTA and some of Bill’s other disasters. Giving Hillary credit because of Bill is not really saying much at all. What EXACTLY did she do, as first lady or Senator, which worked and made us better? Yes, she did draft a healthcare bill and told us “it takes a village.” But, that healthcare bill was not jiving with the times and her new one isn’t either. Go to her site and read her plan…then check out Barack’s. He is being truthful when he said her “plan” is to force us to get insured. That’s not a damn plan. That’s not dealing with the real issue…which is cost.

During the recent debate, Hillary called $97,500/year middle class. When questioned, she basically said “well that’s who I represent.” Meaning, she represents the wealthiest in the country and will create policy based on them. Those PACs and lobbyists she takes money from -- unlike the other Dems -- will be her new constituents. Now I could just look past these facts – my husband and I make more than that – but I’m worried about us as a community and want to raise up the bottom. What are we doing about poverty? Who can we trust to really address the issue?

We as a people need to stop voting in fear. That “most electable” stuff is BS. Black folks and women could play an important role in this election. So, we’re the ones who can determine what is electable. “The Man” does not have as much power as we give him. But he gains it exponentially when we choose to vote in fear or even worse…not voting at all.

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