Friday, February 9, 2007

Just in time for the Grammy's....

If anyone has heard Donnie Simpson’s morning show, they are familiar with Huggy Lowdown and his “Bama of the Week” segment. Huggy is a character on Donnie’s show and he creates a running list of the BOW contenders. On Friday mornings, he crowns someone the Bama of the Week. You earn this title by being generally bama-ish. If you don’t know, this means your style is whack (for lack of a better word.) Doing something ignorant and/or making a fool out of yourself is another way to win. I love Steve Harvey’s morning show, but I really miss Huggy!

I decided to do a BOW type thing, but could only think of more serious topics and contenders. Maybe the Grammys will give me fodder for next week’s contest. Until then….

Parent of the Week

Sadly, there are several contenders:

William Page – This ass didn’t realize two-year olds wake at night and do things parents do not want them to do. After finding his two year old awake, at 2:30AM, his anger led him to punch her in the face and knock her unconscious. He then put the girl outside where the temps dipped to 2 degrees. His daughter's body was found the next morning. She was dressed in a sweater and a diaper and her footsteps were in the snow. Poor thing tried to find help. (read story)

Daniel Price – His child “accidentally” glued his eyes shut. This genius of a father tried to remove it by using ACETONE. Of course, this caused chemical burns on the child’s face. (read story)

Joseph and Sonya Smith – By following the recommendations of their cult-like “church”, these parents managed to beat their troubled 8-year old to death. (read story)

There are no “winners” in any of these stories. But the most disgusting POW is definitely William Page. As Steve Harvey says, I’m not a good enough Christian to wish him well. May he rot in peace!

Punk of the Week

Bill O’Reilly – While discussing Biden’s latest comments he said, “Now you got to feel sorry for us white folks here, because I’m telling you now I’m afraid to say anything.” …umm NO!!! I’ll feel sorry when pigs fly.

Glen Beck – Glen had a similar discussion on his show and said, “You know, Shelby, I don’t know if anybody else in the audience — oh, this is just going to be a blog nightmare over the next few days. But let me just be honest and play my cards face up on the table.
I was thinking about this just last week. I don’t have a lot of African-American friends, and I think part of it is because I’m afraid that I would be in an open conversation, and I would say something that somebody would take wrong, and then it would be a nightmare. Am I alone in feeling that?”

Catch clips, from both shows, here.

The GOP – For acting like schoolgirls over Pelosi’s plane request. She’s flying a longer distance and has a justifiable reason for a larger plane. But they balked because her plane will be bigger than Hastert’s. But wasn’t Hastert flying to Illinois?!?! Even the White House backed her up on this. Sounds like someone has Freudian issues…”but hers is bigger!!!”

The winner is: Glen Beck, with Bill being a close second. Yes this is a blog nightmare my friend. If you have to avoid an entire race, because you may “slip”, its not MY problem. It’s an issue you need to address with yourself. But I guess that’s how an oppressor thinks? Part of life is learning to live with others. You punk you!

Tragedy of the Week

In our celebrity obsessed world, this may sound extreme…but I can think of nothing more tragic than the life and death of Anna Nicole Smith. I know there were several bombings and planes shot down in Iraq. I know parents and children are out of control with violence and rage. But seriously, this woman’s life was one sad story after another. She is proof that money and fame mean nothing. Inner peace should be our goal.

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